general adventures in craftiness

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Worldwide Knit in Public Day

Saturday, June 12

Head on out to Pioneer Courthouse Square downtown and join other knitters to show your solidarity.

From the OregonLive Knitting Blog:
Lori Patterson, who heads up Portland State University's new Stitch n Bitch group, organized the one for Pioneer Courthouse Square. She said PSU's group does knit squares for blankets for charity, so if you want to do a six inch by six inch square to donate while you're hanging out on Saturday, "that'd be fabulous." She said they picked the square because they "wanted to knit somewhere where people don't expect knitting to happen. The time is listed as 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., but she said that's more of a suggestion than a time frame: "If knittters go crazy, we can knit all night." You'll need to bring a chair, water and snacks.

The Naked Sheep Knit Shop is having public knitting on the sidewalk in front of the store from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. They'll have a salad potluck at noon. The store's newsletter says "Bring a salad to share, something delicious to drink, a comfy lawn chair and your knitting! We'll show people how much fun we knitters can have!" The Naked Sheep Knit Shop is at 2142 N. Killingsworth.

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