general adventures in craftiness

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Back to the Previously Scheduled Knitting

I spent most of last week planning for this event that took place this past weekend and just picked up my knitting again this afternoon. I finally started in on the lace chart for the sleeves. I thought knitting five and a half inches of stockinette stitch would never end. Hopefully, the lace pattern will make knitting go by more quickly and then I can go back to the front piece and decide whether or not to rip to make the armholes even with the back or just take in the extra seam allowance when I'm seaming the sections together.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Nearing the End

I finished both of my sleeves last night. I was worried that I would run out of yarn, but I have a little less than a full skein and that's plenty for the seaming. I thought I'd have to knit on the back neckband, but it looks like it's just grafted together. I plan to steam block the pieces tonight and start seaming them. It looks like I can wear this new sweater at the end of this week!

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Wear More Dresses

I finished the minidress sleeves this weekend. Once those were done, I proceeded to steam block and press all my pieces even though the directions said not to block anything. I usually pin down all my knitted pieces to a blocking board, but was inspired by Bonne Marie to try this other method. Before I start seaming, I have to knit the center button placket. I'll start that tonight.

I also started my retro dress project. As you can see, the front skirt is two pieces. I cut out the fabric not even thinking about matching the rows of the pattern. I could buy another yard to match one of the sides, but I don't know if it looks that bad. And the entire back of the dress is also in the printed fabric and I'm not matching that. Any thoughts?

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sleeve Kissing

I worked on finishing up my jacket most of the weekend. All I have left are the buttons and buttonholes and I decided to leave those for class on Tuesday night. To put the shell and lining together, I used the kissing the sleeve technique that was taught by my apparel construction teacher. Matching center back and all other applicable seams, the shell and lining are pinned, right sides together. Matching the underarm seams, the sleeves are pinned and sewn together at the cuff edges. One sleeve (typically the left one) has a seven to 10-inch opening to turn everything right side out after sewing is completed. That open seam is then machine stitched closed. It was a neat trick that worked well and I was glad I didn't have to do any handsewing. So far, I love how the jacket is turning out and I love how the lining contrasts with the grey wool.

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