general adventures in craftiness

Friday, November 30, 2007

Mini Cardi is Done!

I finished the cardigan a couple of days ago, but decided to actually wear it today. I made the smallest size and it fits great. I was worried about the stockinette stitch bands rolling, so I did a two-stitch garter selvage. Instead of the edges rolling, the selvage just folds over, as you can see in the photo on the far right. The color of the sweater showed up differently in all three photos, but the truest one is the close up of the band. It's a very purple-red even though it's called garnet.

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Monday, November 05, 2007

Beginning of the Minimalist Cardigan

I was surprised that my Elsebeth Lavold yarn was waiting for me when I got home from work on Friday. I had only ordered it at the beginning of the week. After swatching some moss stitch and getting gauge, I cast on for the back of the cardi. I haven't had a lot of continuous knitting time this past week, so it's a little slow going, but it's coming along.

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