general adventures in craftiness

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Oversized and Warm

I finally finished the Alexi cardigan last night. I had completed all the seaming over the weekend, but didn't have the buttons until yesterday. I made the smallest size, but it's still a little big. However, it's the perfect wear around the house, lounging sweater. I may try to shrink it a little bit in the washer/dryer, but I'll have to wear it a bit more before I decide on that.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Blocked Up

I finished the sleeves of the Alexi cardi earlier this week and pinned the fronts and back down for blocking. Those were dry today, so tonight I pinned down the sleeves and they are now blocking. I'll seam the shoulders tomorrow and start knitting on the button bands.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Knitting Productivity

Unfortunately, another storm that was supposed to hit last night didn't happen, so I'm back at work today. I finished the fronts of the Alexi cardigan last night. I worked on them a lot during the weekend and the last couple of snow days. I like that I didn't have to bind off for armholes and only for the neckline. I shall cast on for the sleeves later this afternoon.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Slow Going

Knitting has been very slow on the Alexi fronts with all the sewing I've been focusing on lately. But I was able to knit a little at lunchtime today. I hope to make more progress during the holiday weekend too.

In Apparel Construction class, I learned how to do a tissue fitting for the commercial pants pattern I bought. Basically, you pin the inseam together and then put the pattern on and have a partner help you pin the rest together so that it fits your body. You make new markings and then cut out the pattern accordingly. Most of the patterns were too big, which goes to show how wacky commercial pattern sizing is. My pattern just about fit me perfectly, so I didn't have to make any alterations, which was a bummer because I wanted the experience of having to alter something. But, I can always do another tissue fitting later. I'm also taking a Textiles class and I think that will be really fun. For homework this week, we get to do fabric burn tests to look at characteristics of different fabrics.

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

So Far, So Good

I'm about three inches into the armholes of the Alexi cardigan now. I should have the back finished some time this weekend.

I was looking at JoAnn's sale stuff and noticed that a yarn ball winder and swift were both on sale. I never thought that having either of these things was a necessity, but since both are on sale, I think I may have to buy myself some holiday gifts!

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Friday, December 15, 2006

Cables, Diamonds, and Seed Stitch

Once I got the sections of the various patterns memorized, this knitting started to go a bit faster. There are four sections of cables, two diamonds with double seed stitch, and then more double seed stitch at the beginning and end. This knitting goes on until I bind off for the shoulders.

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