general adventures in craftiness

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Finally, Some Fabric

Melissa and I headed over to the Bolt Liberty 25% off sale this morning. I have been waiting to purchase this particular Liberty fabric, Dotty, for a while now and was very excited that it was still available. I also bought this coordinating red and yellow crossweave cotton from Moda. These here fabrics are my choices for the Rooibos dress. The Liberty will be my contrast fabric and I am planning to make my own piping with it for the neckline and pocket trim. The fabric is in the wash now. I am spending some time this afternoon making a muslin of the dress bodice to determine the proper size to sew up. I want this dress to have a closer fit, so I think the size four may be a little too big for me.

PS I also ordered the yarn for the Heather Hoodie Vest. I had a hard time finding the Lamb's Pride Bulky in grey heather. It was out and backordered in all the local yarn stores that I checked, as well as online. I finally found it at KK Wools.

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nothing to Show

So, I was all excited to buy some yarn today for the Hoodie vest, but the LYS was out of what I wanted. I decided to go ahead and use the specified yarn, Lamb's Pride Bulky in grey heather. I also stopped in at the fabric shop, but I couldn't find what I wanted for the Rooibos dress. I think the problem is that I don't know exactly what kind of fabric I am looking for and am just waiting for something to jump out at me. I guess I need to be patient and do more waiting. It's hard because I'm itching to do some sewing and some knitting!

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What's Next?

I have been projectless for several weeks now and it's been strange! I feel like I have too much time on my hands. I miss having something to work on while I watch the Olympics. I've been trying to decide on my next knitting project and I think this Heather Hoodie Vest will be perfect. It's very similar to the Central Park Hoodie, but with short sleeves and a different cable pattern. The recommended yarn is Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Bulky, so I'm thinking it will knit up pretty fast. Maybe I'll shop for yarn this weekend!

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Monday, February 08, 2010

I Think I'm in Love

Not much crafting to report. Last weekend, I finished a scarf from The Lima Collection pattern book made with some extra Rowan Lima I had on hand. I plan on searching for some fabric for the Rooibos dress this upcoming weekend. So, let's talk about shoes! I had been coveting these No. 6 buckle boots since I first saw them over a year ago. I finally found them on sale by chance from Bird, a great online boutique with locations in Brooklyn, NY. They were 25% off, which was enough for me to treat myself. They finally arrived today and they are fantastic. I have a pair of Swedish Hasbeens peeptoe sandals and I was expecting these boots to have the same stiff leather, but they don't. The leather is extremely soft and pliable and they are very comfortable. I can't wait to wear them!

PS I'm completely drooling over all the clogs in the No. 6 spring/summer 2010 lookbook. They are absolutely gorgeous.

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