general adventures in craftiness

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Portland Yarn Crawl

The Portland Yarn Crawl happens this weekend, March 5-7. What's a yarn crawl? You visit and sign in at any of the 16 participating yarn stores and you receive a raffle ticket to win one of the 16 identical baskets at each store. You don't need to buy anything to get a raffle ticket. Just visit the store, sign in and you get a free raffle ticket. So, if you visit all 16 stores over the weekend, you have 16 chances to win. You can only enter once per store. There's also a scavenger hunt. The theme is “Hat’s off to Portland’s Knitting Designers.” As you visit each store, be on the lookout for a handknit hat with a numbered tag. The first two people who email with the correct names of the designer, store name and item number will win kits from Blue Sky Alpacas.

See all participating stores here.

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Blogger P. Joans said...

Thanks Melissa - I look forward to meeting you during the crawl weekend.

6:27 AM


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