general adventures in craftiness

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Making Muslins

Kelli left a comment regarding making muslins and asked me these questions: Do I always make muslins when trying new patterns? If so, what do I do with the muslins after I've made them?

I only tend to make muslins if I've had experience with a designer's patterns and know the fit will be weird. This situation most often happens with Japanese pattern books. My measurements seem to be standard enough that I use the same size across commercial pattern companies. I make all my muslins, or draft patterns, from actual muslin fabric that I bought in a bolt. I will sew up a muslin using only the basic pieces, enough to let me get a sense of the fit. I will mark changes on the muslin, but I do not use the muslin as my pattern. I transfer the changes to the commercial pattern or to the pattern paper if I traced it. After I've made the muslin and my alterations, I will keep it if I can reuse it. Otherwise, I will just throw it out.

Muslin Resources
Sew, Mama, Sew! Blog: Making a Muslin
Video from Taunton Press: Making a Muslin

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Blogger Kelli said...

Thanks for the clarification, Melissa! Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

5:15 AM


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