general adventures in craftiness

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Parfait is Done

Parfait is Done
Originally uploaded by actionhero

I finished this dress over the weekend! Sewing the buttons on took longer than expected since there were six. I followed the pattern as it was written and made no modifications. I did have to resew one of the straps because the chevron stripes on one strap were going in the opposite direction of the other. Luckily I caught that before I was too far along. The fit has enough ease that I could wear a t-shirt underneath if I wanted, which is perfect since the sun seems to have disappeared and layering looks to be necessary!

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Blogger melissa f. said...

it looks rad.

1:07 PM

Blogger Sher said...

This is so pretty. I love your choice of fabrics. Have fun wearing it.

12:57 PM

Blogger sewbettie said...


8:00 AM


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