general adventures in craftiness

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm Wearing the Hoodie!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hats Off

After finishing the Aprés Surf Hoodie, I wanted to work on something simple and quick. This Matilda & Tillie hat pattern from Ravelry nicely fit my knitting needs. I'm using a skein of sage colored Lamb's Pride. I got the crown finished, now I'm working on the brim. Photos to be posted later!

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Hoodie is Done!

I finally finished the hoodie today! I just finished weaving in all the ends and steam blocking the hood. I really like how the project turned out. I especially like the I-cord bindoff used at the garment hem of the body, sleeves, and hoodie trim. It took forever, but it makes the sweater look polished. The only thing I don't particularly like about the sweater is how much the yarn sheds. I won't be wearing anything dark underneath it!

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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sewing Knits

This is the Sadie knit tank pattern and is from Burda Style. It's pattern 6019 and includes variations with a cowl neck or minidress. I haven't done that much sewing with knits, mainly because I can never find any knit fabric that I particularly like. But I thought I should get more experience sewing with knits and decided to try this simple tank. I bought this heathered grey knit and purple ribbing at Fabric Depot. The actual sewing of the tank took literally 30 minutes. It was super fast and easy and was a great project for instant gratification. Taping the pattern together and cutting out the fabric took about twice as long, if not longer. Originally, the pattern calls for binding the armholes and neckline with the same self fabric, but I chose to add the ribbing to make it quicker. I also added ribbing to the bottom edge, so I wouldn't have to bother hemming it. The tank is pretty close fitting, but extremely comfortable. I'd like to try the version with the cowl neck next.

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Friday, August 08, 2008

Technical Drawing

I've been slowly working on trying to finish up the Aprés Surf Hoodie, but it's taking longer than expected. I'm almost done with knitting on the hood, then I'll have to sew in the sleeves. No new photos to show of that project.

Here is one of the technical drawings that I did in my Illustrator class last night. I lost the original file when the computer froze, but luckily, I printed a hard copy, so I was able to scan it. I really love drawing in Illustrator. Everything looks so sharp and clean when it's printed out. This was one of the dresses that I had drawn for my final project in fashion sketching class. You can see the hand drawn version here. Here's a drawing of the bohemian mod dress that I made back in April too.

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Friday, August 01, 2008


I finally finished the hoodie sleeves a couple of days ago and pinned the front and back for blocking the other night. I pinned the sleeves for blocking last night and plan to finish seaming the sweater this weekend. I still have to knit up the hood, so I should have a new sweater at the beginning of next week.

PS This image of a local theater is making the rounds on Buzzfeed and Defamer. It made my day.

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