general adventures in craftiness

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pattern Paper

I had been debating what kind of pattern paper to purchase for drafting and tracing patterns. In patternmaking class, we just used marker paper, the kind that has the inch-grid on it. But I wanted something that I could actually baste or sew together. After reading this post from Amy, I thought that I would buy a roll of Swedish tracing paper. But it was sort of expensive. Then I started reading this discussion forum on about soil separator fabric. It's created by a company called Carriff and is now offered on their website as sewing fabric. A 48-inch by 300-foot roll was so economical at only $36 that I had to buy it. I'll be using it this weekend!

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Back to the Previously Scheduled Knitting

I spent most of last week planning for this event that took place this past weekend and just picked up my knitting again this afternoon. I finally started in on the lace chart for the sleeves. I thought knitting five and a half inches of stockinette stitch would never end. Hopefully, the lace pattern will make knitting go by more quickly and then I can go back to the front piece and decide whether or not to rip to make the armholes even with the back or just take in the extra seam allowance when I'm seaming the sections together.

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Monday, July 14, 2008

PDX Represented!

So Mariko sends me a link to this E! online article about Project Runway, set to premiere this Wednesday. One of the participants is Leanne from Portland. I'm guessing it's most likely Leanne Marshall of Leanimal. It will be fun to root for a hometown gal.

UPDATE: The bios are now on the Bravo site, and sure enough it's Leanne Marshall!


Hot in the City

The hot weather past weekend made me retreat to the basement where all I did was knit and watch episodes of Mad Men on demand. I did manage to get the front of the hoodie completed. I did notice that my armhole bind off for the front occurred a few rows later than the back, so they won't match up exactly. I haven't decided if I want to rip out all that work or not. The anal retentive side may get the best of me.

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Oh Yeah, I Finished the Back

I forgot to post this picture last week when I finished the back of the hoodie. I'm about a third of the way through the front and the knitting seems to be cruising along. It's been nice and hot here recently, so I haven't spent too much time knitting.

PS Orla Kiely now has an online shop!

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