general adventures in craftiness

Friday, November 30, 2007

Mini Cardi is Done!

I finished the cardigan a couple of days ago, but decided to actually wear it today. I made the smallest size and it fits great. I was worried about the stockinette stitch bands rolling, so I did a two-stitch garter selvage. Instead of the edges rolling, the selvage just folds over, as you can see in the photo on the far right. The color of the sweater showed up differently in all three photos, but the truest one is the close up of the band. It's a very purple-red even though it's called garnet.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Nearing the End

I finished both of my sleeves last night. I was worried that I would run out of yarn, but I have a little less than a full skein and that's plenty for the seaming. I thought I'd have to knit on the back neckband, but it looks like it's just grafted together. I plan to steam block the pieces tonight and start seaming them. It looks like I can wear this new sweater at the end of this week!

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Cardi Fronts

I finished the cardi fronts over the weekend. I cast on for the sleeves and have just started on those. I'm a little worried that I may run out of yarn because I only have four balls left. I'm hoping the sleeves will only use a little over one ball each and then I'll have just enough for the back neck section.

I've been thinking a lot about my next sewing project, especially since classes are over. I'm leaning towards a dress and I'm leaning towards plaid. A trip to Fabric Depot this weekend is in order!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Draped Dress is Done!

Last night, I finished my dress! It turned out much better than I thought it would. It's a little wrinkly in the photos, but I'll iron it again before class. It also looks a bit loose because I draped it using the dress form at school, which is a size 8, and slightly bigger than my dress form at home.

I had finished all the machine sewing yesterday afternoon, but had to hand sew the bodice lining edges. All during class, I had been sewing samples in muslin, so it was nice to work with a fashion fabric. I was experimenting with the addition of that piping on the top of the waist midriff and I really like how that detail turned out. I should have added it to the bottom of the waist too, but I just plain spaced it. Oh well, I suppose I can add it later if I want.

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Mini Cardi Back

I finished the back of the Minimalist Cardigan during this past weekend. Once I got going, it actually went pretty quick. I cast on for both the fronts and am just past the ribbing.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Draping a Dress

My final project for draping class is a dress with a fitted bodice and gathered skirt. I'm using this great Alexander Henry fabric called Pavo with some brown Kona cotton. Here's the pattern for the bodice that I've drafted after draping it on the dress form. I'm using the patterned fabric for the majority of the dress with the brown cotton providing some contrast at the waist midriff.

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Bend-the-Rules Book Signing

Go see Amy Karol for a book-signing at Bolt!
Nov. 8 from 7-9 p.m.
2136 NE Alberta St.

There will be donuts and special treat bags for the first 15 sewers who bring a project
made from the book to show off.

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Monday, November 05, 2007

Beginning of the Minimalist Cardigan

I was surprised that my Elsebeth Lavold yarn was waiting for me when I got home from work on Friday. I had only ordered it at the beginning of the week. After swatching some moss stitch and getting gauge, I cast on for the back of the cardi. I haven't had a lot of continuous knitting time this past week, so it's a little slow going, but it's coming along.

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