general adventures in craftiness

Friday, March 30, 2007

Wonky Rebecca Sweater

I finished seaming up the sweater last night. I'm not sure if I like this sweater at all. You can sort of see how it still leans to the left side. And the seams are all weird and tight because of that too. I was hoping that if I threw the sweater in the washer and dryer, some of the problems might be corrected, but it doesn't look like it. I've used the KnitPicks Shine before, but with this project I had a horrible problem with it leaving a thin coating of fuzz on myself whenever I'd knit for extended periods of time. I then made the mistake of washing it with other clothes and there were tons of yarn pills on everything! This may be a wear-around-the-house sweater only.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Seeing Spots

I finished my short-sleeved Built by Wendy top tonight. I was pleasantly surprised at how cute it turned out. If I had thought about it more, I would have tried to match the dots on the center back seam. Even better would have been to cut the back on the fold as one piece instead of two. Oh well. The pattern calls for two back pieces because of the dress, which has a zipper. The only alteration I made was to shorten the length by about three inches. This was an easy project that could easily be completed in about two hours. I may have to make a few more for spring and summer!

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Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring Break

It's spring break here in PDX and I decided to take a few days off this week. That means lots of time for knitting, sewing, cleaning, and getting the new basement ready and furnished. Yay! I finished the sleeves up for the Rebecca sweater last night and plan to cut out the fabric for the Built by Wendy top this afternoon.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Knitting and Sewing

I spent the weekend working a bit on the relief sweater sleeves and buying more fabric for yet another Built by Wendy top. I also bought a Simplicity 3833 retro pattern for a simple shift dress. I'd probably make the sleeveless version. The Amy Butler fabric is for the cute top with the elasticized neck and sleeves. The raindrop fabric is from the Follow Your Imagination line of Prints Charming fabrics for Free Spirit. I think I'd use this fabric for the dress, though I want a contrasting fabric for the bodice, like on the cover of the pattern.

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

New Coat

I love how this coat turned out! The superbuzzy fabric makes it fun, especially with the contrasting lining. This was a really easy project that I would recommend, especially with the raglan sleeves. When it's all buttoned up, there's a weird bumpy gap between the collar and the button placket, so I may need to put in a hook and eye. Maybe not though because I doubt that I'll wear it much with the collar all buttoned up. I like how it looks with the collar down.

PS You can see a picture of me wearing the coat here.

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Tip Top Shape

I stayed up late last night to sew the lining into the coat. I used the kissing the sleeve technique again and it worked without a hitch. I love the collar on this coat. It looks great standing up (adding the buttons will make it look really nice) or laying flat. All I've got left to do is sew the buttonholes and then sew on the buttons. In knitting news, I managed to cast on for both sleeves the other night and am still working on finishing the ribbing. I worked on them some more at lunchtime today, so I hope to get them finished some time this weekend!

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Done and Done

I finished the back of the relief sweater several days ago. It leans to the left because of the nature of the relief stitch pattern. I think it will be fine once it's blocked. The front is turning out the same way, so I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. Or at least, I hope I'm not! I also started my next sewing project, another Built by Wendy coat, last night. I cut out the pattern on Saturday and it took forever. I had to cut the fabric and transfer all the markings, as well as the lining, and the interfacing. I was watching TV at the same time, so I wasn't working continuously, which would explain the two-hour duration. Once I started sewing though, the project went by fast. I love the raglan sleeves–sewing them in makes everything so much easier. I have to attach the collar and then it's on to the lining. This coat could be ready to wear by the end of the week!

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Monday, March 05, 2007

What a Relief

I made a trip out to Kinokuniya yesterday to check out their expanded crafts section and found these three books. The first book features all different kinds of slippers and shoes to sew. The second book has patterns for accessories and decorations made from felt. And the last book has lots of cute dresses and tops to make.

Also pictured is the back of the Rebecca sweater. The sweater is knit in a relief pattern, which consists of slipping yarnovers over purl stitches. The pattern is just enough to keep things from getting too boring.

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Introducing Steffi

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

I Do Remember How to Knit

I stayed up way too late yesterday swatching and knitting for the Rebecca sweater. It felt weird to actually be knitting. It's been about two weeks since I last knit and I rarely go that long without some kind of knitting project. The color of this yarn is starting to grow on me. It's a color I don't have in my wardrobe and I like the brightness of it.

I also have my next sewing project lined up. I bought this fabulous trees fabric from superbuzzy and decided to make a lightweight lined coat. I got yet another Built By Wendy pattern that I hadn't seen before. I'll make the longer coat with the short sleeves. It will be perfect for springtime.

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