general adventures in craftiness

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Next on the Needles

After finishing the lacy yoke sweater last week, I had no clue as to what my next knitting project would be. Then I caught a preview of the fall 2007 Interweave Knits. I saw several patterns that I want to knit up, but found this free web pattern that I loved, and even more perfect, it's a vest! You know I love a great vest. The vest knits up with only five skeins of yarn, so I may just use what's called for in the pattern. It should be a challenging project with a master color and contrasting color to deal with and a bunch of slip knit stitches for the tweed pattern.

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Blogger Adrienne said...

I LOVE this pattern but I am SO afraid of all that color work!!!!

6:57 PM


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