general adventures in craftiness

Sunday, July 08, 2007

More Projects

I started some new projects this weekend. I have a good chunk of GGH Cascade that I scored from a craft swap in this deep rusty red color. It's basically polyester, and I couldn't think of what I would possibly make that I would want to wear. I searched through some old issues of Rebecca and finally decided to make this ribbed shrug, from the cover of the latest issue. I'm not really a shrug person, but this might be something I could wear during the summer. The fabric is knitting up nicely and doesn't feel as scratchy as I thought it would.

I also headed up to the Fabric Depot for their 40% off fabric sale and got this great pima cotton gingham for yet another sundress. I'm still trying to decide between the halter and the regular sleeveless view. I'm thinking the halter with the ruffle might be cute.

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Blogger Melissa said...


9:18 AM

Blogger Jan said...

Ha! I'll bet that was my donation that I dropped off at the 100th Monkey Studio in May. Glad to see it being put to good use. :)

12:15 PM

Blogger Patti said...

You didn't ask, but I like the fresh look of the halter.

6:25 AM

Anonymous carolyn said...

you know how i don't do sleeveless. would it be possible to take the sleeves from the top left green drawing and put them on the very bottom blue print drawing? and then make it in my size? and send it to chicago? because i think THAT is what you really want to be making!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6:29 AM

Anonymous Silvia said...

Don't you love Carolyn!

I love the halter with the ruffle. Very cute!

I'm jonesing to make that Built by Wendy top you made. I want to cut out about a hundred of them. Do you wear it much? Any hints?

9:21 AM


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