general adventures in craftiness

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Melissa Shrugged

I finished the armhole edging and seaming of the shrug last night. I think the sleeve length is perfect and I like the shaping in the front. It actually turned out much better than I thought it would, but I still I don't know if I'll ever really wear it. I'll try to find something to pair it with in my closet!

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Blogger knitannie said...

Love it! I think it looks cute with that t shirt

2:53 AM

Blogger Adrienne said...

I love that! It looks really good!!!

7:17 AM

Blogger Octopus Knits said...

It's beautiful -- and I agree, it looks great with that shirt! Do wear it!

8:04 AM

Blogger SisterDG said...

It's beautiful, Melissa! I'm with the others -- it looks great with that shirt. You're making so much great, inspiring clothing - thanks so much for sharing it.

9:13 AM

Anonymous Sil said...

It is indeed adorable and looks good on you. If you don't want to wear it with pants and tanks, you could wear it over a cute sundress - I know you've got some...

2:19 PM

Anonymous carolyn said...

it looks super cute. i think you might need to whip up a new dress to pair it with!

2:20 PM

Blogger Chicago Sarah said...

Looks great with that t or cami you are wearing- works with jeans or a skirt, depending on where you are going. Nice work!

3:28 PM

Blogger Jan said...

Really, really cute! I'm so glad you made something so adorable with the yarn. :)

9:54 AM

Blogger Marlene said...

hola!! muy lindo trabajo, very beautiful,las lanas preciosas.-
saludos desde chile.-

7:04 PM

Anonymous viloria phinney said...

if you don't use it ,I will buy it from you. WOuld you share the pattern? I have been looking for a style like that for a long time.

7:35 AM

Blogger camilaustral said...

nice!! where did you get the pattern?
was it free? (hopefully)

3:23 PM

Blogger Melissa said...

It's a pattern from Rebeccca Magazine.

10:02 PM


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