general adventures in craftiness

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Another Front

I started both sleeves last night after finishing the left front of the sweater, which seemed to knit up pretty quickly. These two front pieces look really small, but the button placket and edging should add a couple of inches.

PS I picked up the fall issue of Blueprint yesterday. It's got some great ideas on home decor and projects using suede microfiber.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

It's a Sweater Front

I finally finished the right front of the cardi late last night. I was cruisong along when I realized I had mistakenly read the centimeters measurement for the inches measurement. So, I had knitted too much and had to frog about three inches. Once I did that, I was able to start binding off for the neckline and with fewer stitches, the knitting started flying by. I pinned it for blocking this morning!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Slow Hands

I haven't posted in a while since I haven't even finished the right front of the cardigan yet. I'm almost there, but just shy of completion. I feel like I must be knitting very slowly. Part of the reason is due to some remodeling that will take place in the house soon. Surfing the IKEA webpages for new furniture seems to be a higher priority and much more fun than finishing my sweater. In the meantime, check out this great tutorial on knitting a pair of Chuck Taylors via Craftster.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Beary Cute

I finshed the back of Bridie last night as I watched US Open tennis. I've got that lattice pattern memorized now. I'm getting ready to cast on for the fronts.

A friend's baby is having her first birthday party today and I made this little stuffed bear for her from Debbie Bliss' Toy Knits book. Do you see those boots the bear is wearing? Those aren't just regular old boots, they're Wellingtons, according to the pattern. That cracks me up. It turned out much better than I thought it would. It looks cute even.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Rollneck Dress

I finished the Machiko Kayaki dress tonight! I really love the rollneck collar. I'm not sure how I'm feeling about the gathers yet though. They look good in the picture, but in actuality, they sort of make the chest area a little puffy. The hem of the dress lands right above my knees. One thing I've noticed with these Machiko Kayaki patterns is that the shoulders seem to run just a bit small, so next time, I'll have to remember to make the necessary adjustments.

Sleepy Sewing

I stayed up late last night because I wanted to get the invisible zipper sewn into the dress. It was an easy task, but took longer than expected because I was a bit bleary-eyed. This pattern is very, very simple and I don't know why it took me so long to get started. I hope to finish it in the next day or two.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Laboring Day

A friend was heading up to Fabric Depot this morning and asked if I wanted to tag along. Since I had no plans, I agreed. Plus, they were having one of their crazy sales. I decided that it was the perfect time to finally start this Machiko Kayaki dress project from her Simple Chic book. Using the finished product as inspiration, I bought some mini houndstooth checked wool. I don't usually like the whole dress-with-pants look, but I am drawn to the dress down sketch. I also picked up one the Simplicity Built by Wendy patterns. I'm off to start tracing the dress pattern.