general adventures in craftiness

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I Like U2

I finally finished the embroidery on the U2 vest last night. I still need to weave in those ends, but I figured I could still post some photos. I used stem stitch to create the leaves in my embroidery pattern. I had sketched out both patterns for the front and back, but ended up doing the stitching freehand and just used the drawings as a rough guide. Those ends dangling at the bottom of the vest where the embroidery starts were inspired by this Louisa Harding pattern.

You can see closer detail of the embroidery here and here.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Hats Off

This was a quick and fun knit. The stitch pattern creates a nicely textured fabric, which stands out with a solid-colored yarn.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Flying High

Here's what I started yesterday while I decide upon that embroidery pattern for the vest. It's the Amelia Earhart Aviator Cap pattern that I stumbled upon when reading through Bloglines (I can't find which blog it was!). So far, it's a fun and easy knit and I can probably wear it this weekend!

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Here's the finished vest sans embroidery. It's a perfect fit and I love the deep scoop neck. I'm also glad I added some shaping to the pattern because the fabric isn't too clingy. The ribbing amounts at the hem, neckline, and armholes are all different widths, which I didn't exactly plan, but I really like. I'm going to try to come up with some interesting embroidery patterns today and use a skein of black GGH Soft Kid for the stitching. More photos later!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

In the Saddle

Once I saw this bedside saddle from Design Within Reach, I knew I had to have one. The nightstand I have on the one side of my bed is a series of three stacked metal boxes with the surface being large enough to only hold my alarm clock and a pile of books. However, there was no way I was going to spend $98, so I made my own. I bought some wool felt, measured out three pieces of fabric, stitched them together, added a cardboard insert, and had my own bedside saddle in about an hour. The best part? I made it for only $18! Click here to see more detailed directions and photos.

The Front is Done

Here's the front of the vest, mostly pinned down (looks like I need to repin the left side a bit better) and ready for blocking. I just finished it while watching some Sunday night television and spent most of the afternoon working on it. I had to rip out several rows because I neglected to remember to bind off for the neck before binding off for the armholes and I had not written that down in my instructions. I also spent the day on a quick and easy sewing project that I will document later.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Backed Up

The back of the vest is just about ready to come off the needles. I only have to do about six more rows, which includes binding off for the neck and shoulders. This yarn is so incredibly soft. I just love it!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Kimono Angora

I finished swatching the Louisa Harding Kimono Angora last week. The gauge on the label says four stitches an inch on size seven needles, but I got five stitches. Coincidently, after I finished knitting my swatch, the Knitter's Review review of Kimono Angora came out last week. So, with my swatch done, I set out to write up my vest pattern yesterday. It was inspired by these Carolina Herrera vests from her spring 2006 collection. I'm drawn to the low scoop neck, but am making mine a little bit longer in length. I also think I may add some embroidery. I'll start casting on this afternoon!

Friday, January 13, 2006


Here's my finished lacy hair tamer, better known as a headband. I still need to block it a bit more to get it to stop curling up on the edges of the lace. I started this small project several times before I got the chart and stitches right. I was ignoring the part that mentioned knit stitches and purl stitches on the right and wrong sides. I ended up using the natural heather wool-ease yarn left over from the plaid turtleneck.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Rave Review

Yesterday I bought this book at Bolt while out with Super Eggplant. It's got lots of great project ideas that involve simple forms of quilting and sewing. The ideas could also be used with knitting. I know I'll get a lot of use out of this book. In knitting news, I've started swatching the Louisa Harding Kimono Angora yarn for my vest and I also started knitting up a lacy hair tamer from Interweave Knits.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Mad About Plaid

It figures that after I added the duplicate stitch you can barely see that one stripe. Oh well. I'm still glad I stitched it on. I love this sweater! It's very warm and cozy. This was an easy and interesting project and the only modification I made was lengthening the sleeves just a tiny bit. It would be fun to transfer this plaid pattern to hats and scarves too.

Friday, January 06, 2006


After posting last night, I stayed up too late again to finish all the weaving in of ends and to try the duplicate stitch for the stripe under the neck. The duplicate stitch didn't turn out bulky at all. In fact, it looks just like the other stripes. There is supposed to be another stripe on the row directly under the neck, but I'm not certain I'll add it because when the sweater is on, the turtleneck obscures that part. I'm sure I'll have to try it though and see what it looks like.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

So Close

This sweater is sooo close to being done. This week has been busy, so I haven't had as much time as I thought I would to dedicate to those last details, mainly weaving in the ends. I stayed up late last night to finish the turtleneck. Because it still needs to be blocked, it looks ridiculously small in the photo. But it does fit fine! And here's something I didn't notice until today: right under the neck, there are supposed to be two horizontal stripes that I somehow completely spaced. I was looking in the magazine photos of the sweater, when I suddenly realized I had omitted them. I may try some duplicate stitch, but that may be too obvious and bulky. Perhaps I'll just have to suppress my anal retentive tendencies and leave it as is. Any opinions or suggestions?

Monday, January 02, 2006

Weaving In

I finished the sleeves to the turtleneck yesterday morning and they are almost done blocking. I started crocheting the vertical stripes last night and it took much longer than I anticipated. Crocheting chain stitch on a piece of fabric is harder than it looks, espcially when it's in the middle and not the edge. So, now I've got ends to weave in and sides to seam up. I hope to be able to wear this later this week!