I stayed up WAY TOO LATE last night figuring out the stitch pattern on the chart of this sweater. After the ribbing, the chart pattern begins innocently enough with a K3 P1 ribbing for five rows. On the sixth row, the chart says to K1, inserting the needle into the the next stitch five rows below. For the life of me I couldn't figure this stitch out. I tried what I thought it meant, but then had to rip out a couple of rows when I realized it wasn't correct. I did a bit of
research and thought I was supposed to make a
bowknot, but that wasn't right either. I searched through the
Rebecca forums and found a thread where a couple of knitters were having the same problem, but didn't get it resolved. Then I finally found this
pattern on Elann that had virtually the same directions, but gave me a bit more guidance. The stitch is a drop stitch adaptation from
Barbara Walker's Treasury of Knitting Patterns. I'm on a roll now!
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