general adventures in craftiness

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Up Front

I am about halfway through the ribbing on the front of the vest using those tiny number one needles! Knit Purl, a LYS, is having a Labor Day sale this weekend, so I'm going to purchase some GGH Solitaire for that Rebecca lacy cap-sleeved sweater. I don't normally do this, but the vest is taking so long to knit up that I'm going to have to start another project. I can't stand not knitting something for myself!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Ta Da

I completed the back of the vest on Saturday afternoon and pinned it down for blocking shortly thereafter. It felt good to get this side done, though now I have to cast on for the front and get ready for all that intarsia.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

New Knit Mags

I received my new issue of Rebecca in the mail the other day and have looked through it a couple of times. So far, the only project that I'm itching to make is the sweater with the eyelet patttern, the purple one on the left. I'm drawn to the cap sleeves. Since it only takes four skeins of yarn, I'd probably just use the GGH Solitaire that is called for in the pattern.

I just looked through Rowan 38 too. There are a lot of interesting things in this issue. Most of them are a little too fancy and frilly for me, but I need to actually get my hands on the magazine and browse through it carefully to see if there is anything I would want to make. I also liked some of the items in these other new Rowan books: Big It Up, Classic Woman, and Urban Streets.

Monday, August 22, 2005

So Close

I only have about 60 more rows and then I'm finished with the back! I hope they knit up fast.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I was finally able to bind off for the armholes of the vest late last night. That's almost 40 stitches less that I have to knit! I'm hoping the top portion will go more quickly now. I love how the argyle texture turned out. I'm psyching myself up to start the intarsia on the front.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Sorry for the lack of posts! I'm still working on the vest and it's coming along nicely. It just doesn't make for interesting reading. However, I'm already planning ahead for my next project, the Cutaway, from the fabulous ChicKnits! I'm not a bolero or shrug type of gal, so this sweater is the perfect style and length for me.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


As you can see, I've been making some progress on the vest. It's been so hot here lately that I haven't been knitting as much as I usually do. Lately, it seems that most of my knitting takes place on the weekends rather than during the week. I'll sit for hours, watching movies and knitting on those tiny number two needles until some part of my wrist or hand starts to ache. I'm almost to the part in the pattern where I will bind off for the armholes. I am so excited because then I won't have as many stitches to knit!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Stencilry is a cool site that offers resources and a gallery for stenciling fans. There's also a tutorial. [via Cool Hunting]

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

More Diamonds

I've added several more inches to the vest since the weekend. You can see more of the diamond textures now. I had forgotten hwo long knitting a man's sweater would take. I feel like I am hardly making any progress! Oh well. I shall keep plugging along.