general adventures in craftiness

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Tivoli T-Shirt

While the Tivoli was still a little damp yesterday afternoon, I threw it into the dryer on the lowest setting to tighten up the stitches and even them out a bit. The care instructions for the yarn said not to put it into the dryer, but I didn't think it would harm it in any way. I love this tank, expecially the raglan styling and shaping. I have also included a close up of the crochet edging, which I think helped prevent the edges from curling so much. You can see where I added the edging to the armpit, but not the top of the armhole. I ended up making gauge with size five needles, so my fit is a little looser (okay by me!) and my length is a bit longer than the sizing in the pattern.


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