general adventures in craftiness

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Tag, You're It

I'm still knitting hats and scarves like crazy! Last night's count was 20 big hats, seven little hats, and five scarves. Someone asked what yarn I used for the striped hat in my previous post and it's Lion Brand Wool-Ease Chunky. I have just about used up the five skeins of Burly Spun I bought a couple of weeks back and the Wool-Ease is almost gone too. It looks like I'll be hitting the yarns stores this weekend for more supplies. Posted is a picture of my new tags that I haven't cut out yet. I don't think you can see it, but the red writing on the bottom says knitwear by melissa lim. They're about 2" x 2".

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Even though the Knitgrrl site isn't completely functional yet, you can still sign up for the newsletter, which has a special pattern offer, a call for handknit items, a request for pattern submissions, a book review and more. Check it out!

Monday, October 25, 2004


Here's what I knit during my lunch hour today. It takes me a little less than an hour to complete an adult-sized hat and about 40 minutes for a kid-sized one. Over the weekend, I knit three hats and two more scarves. I also made some new Action Hero tags that I will affix to each item.

Friday, October 22, 2004

17 Hats, 3 Scarves and Counting

I was only going to make adult-sized hats, but after several people asked if I would be making kid-sized hats, I decided to make those too. I have a couple done, but I forgot to take pictures. On a personal note, I think I may try to make some knitted art as my next project. I like the wall hangings featured in Erika Knight's book Simple Knits with a Twist and may try to start with something like that and move towards the more abstract.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Neat Stuff

The new Rebecca Home issue is out. There are some neat ideas in there. I love all the different pillows and covers. The knick-knacky Christmas stuff is cute too.

PS have you checked out Mighty Goods yet? It's an awesome shopping blog that features lots of cool stuff!

Saturday, October 16, 2004


I was planning to sell scarves, in addition to hats, at the bazaar, but was having a hard time deciding on a pattern. Here's what I finally came up with. It's fairly skinny, only 12 stitches wide and about six feet long. It's just one big fat cable with some special knit edging. This scarf was knit with GGH Sierra.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Hats Off

Monday, October 11, 2004


Over the weekend I bought some very fun and colorful Burly Spun yarn to make hats. As you may have guessed, these hats are for a bazaar. They are really fast and easy to make. I think I was finally able to perfect the pattern after making the third hat. Most of the hats are simply stockinette stitch, but one is garter stitch and one has a big fat cable in the center of it. I also want to try and make some scarves with pompoms too.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Ears to You

Here's a hat I made over the weekend. I like it, but think the top needs to be pointier. I also have mixed feelings about the earflaps. Perhaps I just don't like the tasselly bits. Back to the drawing board!

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Red Head

I finished the Hallowig this morning. I made it a bit longer and I like it. I'll probably make the next one shorter. It makes me laugh!