Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Monday, December 29, 2003
Warming My Legs
I have been taking a break from the cabley sweater the past couple of days to work on the legwarmers. I have just about finished one. I'm using this ONline Cannes yarn, which is absolutely fabulous. It has a slightly felted texture and is oh so soft. I got this great chartreuse color. I'm contemplating ordering more from Elann. I'll post a picture tomorrow.
Friday, December 26, 2003
Holiday Fun

Monday, December 22, 2003
So Cowl

I got most of the cowl done yesterday morning as B and I were driving to Long Beach, WA. We were heading there to dig for some razor clams. I finshed up the last few inches when we arrived home later that evening. I only needed two skeins of the Gedifra Cordilla for this project, so I have two skeins left to make something else. Perhaps another cowl? It was a fun and easy project and it is so warm! This afternoon, I shall swatch for the sweater with cables and hopefully, will be able to start that project tonight.
Friday, December 19, 2003
I've Got Mail
I was completely surprised yesterday by a package that arrived for me. I had no idea what it could be and then I turned the box over and saw the return address. It was the yarn for my cabley sweater! Just in time for the holiday break.
Thursday, December 18, 2003
Loopy Fun
I started the cowl last night with some Gedifra Cordilla in red. I'll probably end the bottom part of the cowl with some gray because the LYS didn't have enough skeins of red, but I think that will look fine. I love working this loop stitch! It's great fun and such a change from all the stockinette, garter, and seed stitch I was using on the scarves. I may do more rows of it than called for in the pattern.
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Waiting Game
While I wait for my yarn order to be delivered, I've found a number of smaller projects to work on. Last night I made one wristband from the pattern in the SnB book. I don't know if I would actually ever wear it as an accessory, but maybe if it was black or grey. I used some bright lime Mississippi 3 yarn I had laying around. I am also planning to make the loopy cowl (another pattern from the book) and a pair of legwarmers. I may have to go back to the Elann site to buy more yarn!
Monday, December 15, 2003

Here's my finished coif. This is actually the second one I made. I wrapped up the other one, made with the limey green, as a gift and never took a picture of it. I also made a trip to the bead store this weekend and found these vintage leaves and flower petals and made brooches for each of the coifs. I think they turned out great!
I also ordered some of this yarn from Elann for the sweater pictured above. The pattern is from the latest issue of Rebecca. I thought I'd make this sweater before Anticipation as I am looking for a suitable substitute yarn for the Big Wool.
Friday, December 12, 2003
Fun Stuff

Here is the last scarf I hope to make for the rest of this year! It's a combination of Lamb's Pride, Artful Yarns Legende, and some mohair. The colors of the Legende are really pretty and the mohair gives it a nice fuzzy quality. In a quest to make some gifts other than hats, I decided to knit up a couple of coifs, though not shocking pink. I love this Tahki Bunny yarn. It's merino wool, alpaca, and acrylic. The fabric that is created feels so soft and a little bit felted. I think I'll probably have to keep one for myself!
Monday, December 08, 2003
Smashing Success

The Handmade Holiday Bazaar was a hit judging from the crowds of people checking out all the fabulous items for sale. The traffic didn't really slow down until after three and the event ended at four. I sold 22 of my 30 scarves! I'm pretty happy with that. I was able to sell a few more to friends who couldn't make it. I brought the remaining five to work with me to see if anyone would be interested. As you can see from the photos, it was a pretty intimate setting, with the couches and easy chairs and all. Kudos to Alicia and Carmen for being super organized and putting this event together. Let's hope it becomes an annual affair!

Check out this cool knitting needle organizer I bought! They were in all these pretty fabrics, including lots of retro patterns. You can order them online soon at The Organized Knitter.
New Winter Knitty
Yay! The new issue of Knitty is up. There are lots of fabulous patterns. I am dying to make Kate's Anticipation. I also have a faux fur stole pattern in this issue. Check it out!
Friday, December 05, 2003
Thursday, December 04, 2003
Countdown Continues
I only have two scarves left! The end is in sight. Thanks for all the nice compliments about the scarves. I'll try to get a picture up of the most recent ones. The labels are from Heirloom Labels. I decided to use that company after reading about it on Becky's site. It took a while to receive the labels (they misplaced my order), but I really like how they look. Very fancy!
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
Purl Jam
Here's a nice article about the local craft scene from the Portland Tribune. Thanks Michaela!
PS Only four more scarves to go!