general adventures in craftiness

Saturday, November 29, 2003

Finish Line

I have run out of scarf yarn and am heading to some shops today. Thursday night I sewed labels on all the scarves and last night I blocked all of them and packaged them up for big day. I am really happy with how they have all turned out. I have 20 scarves and only need to make 10 more to meet my goal. I think I can do it!

Monday, November 24, 2003

Handmade Holiday Bazaar

Click here to see the postcard text.

Friday, November 21, 2003


I got this cool frosty tote last night at The Paper Zone when I was buying bags for the bazaar. As you can faintly see, it holds a scarf I'm currently working on. I love it as a knitting tote because it's the perfect size, stands up, and is durable enough that it should last awhile. The bags I got for the scarves are like the ones from Knit*Knot. Mariko has a picture from her blog.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

More Scarves

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Sew Vulgar

I have never cross stitched before, but using one of these kits could be fun! [via Sew Wrong]

Monday, November 17, 2003

Brown and Blue

Yesterday I went to a Portland Church of Craft meeting that was held at a coffee shop. There were a lot of people working on all kinds of different projects: knitting, crocheting, bookmaking, windchimes. I met Shetha there and she gave me huge amounts of wool from her stash so I could make more scarves! Thanks Shetha! Here's a scarf I made with some brown and blue wool from that pile. I wasn't sure about the colors at first, but I think they're starting to grow on me. I just need to add a little fur trim to finish it off.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

More Yarn Please

I knit another three scarves this weekend. Not as many as I would have liked, but I'll try to catch up the rest of this week. I bought more yarn on Saturday but have used all of that up already. I'll have to dig into my stash to see what I can find. I believe I have lots of worsted weight stuff that I can double strand into something chunky and fun.

Friday, November 07, 2003

Scarf It Down

Here's one of the scarves I made for the bazaar. So far, I've made five scarves. Almost one a day for each day in November, but I took a break from knitting last weekend. The knitting has been going by quickly since I am using chunky yarn and size 17 or 19 needles. The scarves aren't that wide or that long either. My goal is to try and make a scarf each day so that by the time the event rolls around on December 7, I'll have at least 30 scarves for sale.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Twilight Zone

I went to see Debbie Stoller at Powell's last night. There was quite the turnout, which was great. Mariko, Shetha, and Susan were there. Deb started out by telling us how she got into knitting and then how the book project materialized. She also had projects from the book to pass around. The most surreal part of the evening was when two people asked ME to sign their books.

Saturday, November 01, 2003


This is what I bought from the Knit*Knot Studio this afternoon. Lots of cool yarn to make scarves, scarves, and more scarves! I met Mariko there and we had a fun time exploring the shop, which was very cute and had a small, but decent, selection of yarn. Then we headed over to Lint since I still hadn't been there yet. It was a great space with bright colors and a large selection of yarns, particularly GGH yarns. Now I know where to go for all those Rebecca projects! We also stopped for some coffee and cookies at a nearby café (thanks for treating Mariko!). It was a very fun afternoon!