general adventures in craftiness

Monday, August 25, 2003

Not Much Knitting

I haven't been doing much knitting this last week. I did finish a striped hat out of some cotton in my stash. I've also been trying to get a hold of this woman who asked me to knit some stuff for her children's clothing store. I called her last week and left a message, but haven't heard back from her. I'll try to contact her again this week. I'm sad that summer is slowly coming to an end, but am looking forward to fall.

Saturday, August 16, 2003


Friday, August 15, 2003


Update: More new house pictures are up. Click the link below.

Looks like I got me a house.

So Sleepy...

I don't think I've gone to bed before midnight this entire week. With the stress of looking at houses and putting offers out there, I'm not thinking about knitting too much. But it does help me relax. I have finished the Lottie cardigan and just need to block the neckbands and front bands, and sew on the flower and ladybug button. Pictures tomorrow. P.S. My first house offer was rejected--there were four other offers--but I found another awesome house yesterday and put an offer on that. My offer is the only one! We'll have to wait and see what happens. Think positive for me!

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling...

I seamed up all the sides last night. It went quickly, but I was distracted by laughter since I was watching Queer Eye (this episode was especially funny to me for some reason) at the same time. I've got to knit the neckband and flower and then I'm done. Hurrah!

Monday, August 11, 2003


Yay! This is almost done, just in time to wrap it up for Sunday. I've still got to knit up the right side band and then slip stitch them to the front pieces, as well as seam the sleeves and sides, knit up the neckband, and finish the flower. I had to rip out half of each of the fronts yesterday because I had started the raglan decreases on the wrong sides. I had started them on the ends where the button bands were supposed to be. That wasn't going to work!

Thursday, August 07, 2003


I've been persistently knitting a bit each night on the sleeves of the cardigan. They're so close to being done. But I have been sidetracked by househunting! I have been pre-approved for a loan and will probably start looking full-time this weekend. I meet with a realtor this afternoon who specializes in the neighborhood where I want to live. It's pretty exciting. I've been addicted to all these realty sites, looking at houses online. So, needless to say, knitting isn't my top priority at this moment!

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Shameless Plug

Move over "American Idol," the most talented kids in the country are at Camp Ovation. Based on an actual summer camp for young actors, singers and dancers, Camp is the dramatic, hilarious and show-stopping story of a group of extraordinary kids growing up and discovering who they really are.

Camp, my friend Todd Graff's movie, opens in select cities on Friday. It's already playing in NY and LA. Check the release schedule to see if it's playing in your city. Spread the's funny and touching.

Monday, August 04, 2003


I am currently trying to finish up the sleeves on the baby cardigan. I'm about halfway through. I finished the two front halves last week. I am happy to say that the project should be done before the August 17 baby shower. I also finished another project for the children's clothing store. I've got lots of leftover cotton yarn to work on making some hats or vests next.