Not Much Knitting

general adventures in craftiness
I don't think I've gone to bed before midnight this entire week. With the stress of looking at houses and putting offers out there, I'm not thinking about knitting too much. But it does help me relax. I have finished the Lottie cardigan and just need to block the neckbands and front bands, and sew on the flower and ladybug button. Pictures tomorrow. P.S. My first house offer was rejected--there were four other offers--but I found another awesome house yesterday and put an offer on that. My offer is the only one! We'll have to wait and see what happens. Think positive for me!
I seamed up all the sides last night. It went quickly, but I was distracted by laughter since I was watching Queer Eye (this episode was especially funny to me for some reason) at the same time. I've got to knit the neckband and flower and then I'm done. Hurrah!
I've been persistently knitting a bit each night on the sleeves of the cardigan. They're so close to being done. But I have been sidetracked by househunting! I have been pre-approved for a loan and will probably start looking full-time this weekend. I meet with a realtor this afternoon who specializes in the neighborhood where I want to live. It's pretty exciting. I've been addicted to all these realty sites, looking at houses online. So, needless to say, knitting isn't my top priority at this moment!