general adventures in craftiness

Monday, April 28, 2003

Gotta Have Faith...

Friday, April 25, 2003


The other night I made the Faith halter in red Big Wool. I just need to block it. I will try to get to seaming the tank this weekend too. Hopefully, that project will be crossed off sometime next week. I also stopped by the bridal shop at lunchtime and the owner bought the two earring and necklace sets that I had made to show her as samples of my work! I'm going to work on a drop necklace for her next. I think I'll mostly be making her jewelry when she requests it. We'll see how those two sets do first.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

On the Edge

I knitted on the picot edge easily enough. I have to seam all the sides together before I can continue on with the straps and button bands. Hopefully, I won't procrastinate too long before doing that, although I see a little side halter top project on the horizon, thanks to Carolyn!

Monday, April 21, 2003


I finished the other half of the back last night. Now I am truly on the homestretch...knitting straps and button bands and adding the buttons. Not much seaming to do either, only the sides. I hope I like the finished product.

Saturday, April 19, 2003

Exciting News

Here's a picture of one of the bridesmaid's necklaces I made for my friend's wedding in July. This friend called me the other day with some good news. She told me the woman who owns the bridal shop, where she got her dress, wanted to know if I would be interested in selling jewelry there, like what I made for her wedding! Sure, I said. I've got to go to the bead store this afternoon to make some sample necklace and earring sets that I'm going to take into the shop next week. I'm going to experiment with some different designs and see what I can come up with.

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Knitting: I'm cruising on the second half of the back. Once that's done I get to add the picot edging, straps, and button bands. I've got to go check out buttons at Jo-Ann's this weekend.

Sewing: I cut out all the pattern pieces for the corduroy jacket, but haven't cut out the lining or interface pieces yet. I also need to add all the markings. I find these beginning steps to be the most time-consuming in a sewing project. It's always what delays me from getting started on the actual sewing.

Monday, April 14, 2003

Mystery Solved!

I finished the right half of the back of the tank this weekend. Once I actually sat down and got a groove on, it went by pretty fast. I also figured out why the back is knit in two halves. When I was initially buying yarn for the pattern, I noticed it said I needed nine buttons, but didn't see anywhere in the instructions another mention of buttons. I assumed it was a printing mistake. Then as I was finishing up the one half, I browsed the directions more carefully. The rest of the pattern instructions were hidden at the top of the following page! It just appeared as if they were part of the next pattern. The back buttons up, hence the two halves. Duh!

Friday, April 11, 2003

Going Dotty

Well, progress on the tank is going slowly. I'm about halfway through the back half, but I'm getting a little bored. I want to start on some other knitting projects, but am waiting until the tank is finished. I want to make the raglan sweater with the number three on the back from Rebecca 22. I also want to make the Crystal Palace T-strap tank that Bonne Marie pointed to last week. I think I'll start the corduroy jacket sewing project tonight though by cutting out the pattern pieces.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Keep on Truckin'

Not much new going on with my knitting. Just trying to finish one half of the back of the tank. I wonder why the directions call for two halves for the back? I suppose I could have just knit another front. I was finally able to make it to this month's SnB meeting this past weekend too.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Quick Project Break

I started the back of the tank, but I needed to take a break from all the dots. This is the Mini hat from Rowan's Bigger Picture. It's a birthday gift for a friend who's coming in to town to visit today. I love this hat. It took less than an hour to knit!