Smashing Success

The Handmade Holiday Bazaar was a hit judging from the crowds of people checking out all the fabulous items for sale. The traffic didn't really slow down until after three and the event ended at four. I sold 22 of my 30 scarves! I'm pretty happy with that. I was able to sell a few more to friends who couldn't make it. I brought the remaining five to work with me to see if anyone would be interested. As you can see from the photos, it was a pretty intimate setting, with the couches and easy chairs and all. Kudos to Alicia and Carmen for being super organized and putting this event together. Let's hope it becomes an annual affair!

Check out this cool knitting needle organizer I bought! They were in all these pretty fabrics, including lots of retro patterns. You can order them online soon at The Organized Knitter.
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