general adventures in craftiness

Monday, December 30, 2002

Happy Holidays

The forced shutdown at work has meant vacation time for me this past week, which accounts for my lack of blogging. I return to the office on Thursday. But until then I have plenty of knitting time! I have completed the back of the Twist sweater, as well as the front of the tank. I am about halfway through the back of the tank now. I can probably finish it tomorrow. That is, if I can pull myself away from my current book, The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break, or don't go see another movie. I've seen both the Leonardo DiCaprio movies, The Two Towers, and Chicago. It's been especially rainy here lately...perfect weather for knitting, reading, and going to the cinema. Happy New Year everyone!

Monday, December 23, 2002

Weekend Crafting

I added another project to my list, which accounts for not finishing the back of the Twist sweater. However, I did manage to finish the front and block it. I plan to cast on for the back this evening. I'll be attending a wedding in Florida in March and decided I needed to make something to wear to that. The Elderflower tank, from Rowan's Summer Tweed Collection, will go perfectly with this great checked skirt I have. It only takes three skeins of yarn too. Just what I, yet stylish.
Another reason for less knitting this weekend was beading. I made these four necklaces. The one on the far left is just a rose made of bone hung from a piece of leather. The next one has quartz sandwiched by two mother of pearl stones. Next, are some black stones with a piece of coral wrapped inthe middle. Last, are some garnet-colored Swarovski crystals attached to a chain.

Friday, December 20, 2002

Where'd it go?

Blogger's acting all funky and I just lost my post about that damn Wooloop! Here's the picture anyway. Read Staceyjoy's 12/20 entry for a good analysis...

Twist and Shout

Here's the front of the Twist sweater so far. I placed the cable off center and decided not to frame it with any garter stitch. I wanted more continuity between the sweater and the cable and I thought the garter stitch distracted from that. It's knitting up quickly on the fat #17 needles. I hope to have the front and back done by the time the weekend is over!

Thursday, December 19, 2002

New Project

I finally cast on for my new sweater last night. I started off experimenting with two colors, but thought it was too distracting with the cable. So I frogged the 10 rows or so I had on my needles and began again, using only black. I'm still not sure about my cable design either. I've decided on a simple six-stitch cable, but am playing around with its placement and design. I'll figure it out tonight.

Tuesday, December 17, 2002


Monday, December 16, 2002

Felt Up

I felted the pink bucket hat last night. I had to run it through the hot/cold wash cycle three times before it was the right size. It's very cute though. I took some pictures this morning, but they didn't turn out very well. I'll retake dome tonight and post them tomorrow.

Friday, December 13, 2002

Big and Little

I finished the felted bucket hat last night. It's at least two and a half times bigger than the regular bucket hat. I love making felted things because they are so hilariously large! After you throw them in the hot cycle of a washing machine, poof, they're normal-sized. It's like magic!

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Blogger Pro

Thanks Ev: "I just like that there's something called Action Hero Knitting Weblog. That's all."

More Buckets-O-Fun

Still haven't casted on for the sweater yet. I've been having too much fun working on my felted bucket hat, the instructions for which Bonne Marie recently added to the original pattern. I'm just finishing up the top, then I can do the felting. I'm using a hot pink wool that I had left over in my stash. I can't wait to wear it!

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Cast Away

I finished all the calculations for my sweater last night with the exception of the sleeve. I'll do that tonight. I really love the whole mathemtical process involved. It reminds me of math class, which I loved (except for geometry). At least I can start on the body. I still haven't decided on a cable yet either. Better do that before I finish the ribbing!

Monday, December 09, 2002

Gift Knitting

I completed some gift knitting over the weekend. I won't say what I made, but I used Big Wool in Cheeky, a bright blue, combined with some Trendsetter Flora. I forgot to get a picture before wrapping it up.

I also need to start the calculations for the cabled sweater. Then I'll actually be able to cast on and start knitting!

Friday, December 06, 2002

Knitty for Winter

Stay warm with a project from the new winter issue of Knitty.

PS...Becky deserves a big shout out because her stripey sweater was also a big inspiration to me in the making of my Marc sweater.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Cables, Cables

I have spent the last couple of nights swatching different cable patterns for the sweater I'm designing for myself as my next project. I haven't been able to decide on anything yet, but am leaning towards a wave cable pattern. I've tried about five different types of cables, but haven't been satisfied with how they have turned out using Rowan's Big Wool. I'm also trying to decide on colors for the wool.

Monday, December 02, 2002

Warm & Toasty Turtleneck

Here's the finished turtleneck! I absolutely love this sweater. It is a perfect fit and is so incredibly warm and soft. It wasn't quite ready to wear for Thanksgiving dinner, but I finished it Friday night and wore it the next day. I'm sure I'll get a lot of good use out it this winter.