general adventures in craftiness

Monday, June 24, 2002

Had a very fun and busy weekend and I managed to get some knitting in too! Friday night I went to hear Lyle Lovett. I don't own any of his music, but have heard a lot of it. It was a great show. Lyle himself was very charming and witty. He still had his leg in a cast from the whole bull trampling incident and was using crutches. He and his band sounded amazing.

On Sunday, I went on a fourth annual sturgeon fishing trip that one of my friends organizes every year. We have about 14 people and we charter a boat that goes along the Columbia River between Oregon and Washington. I had lots of bites. I caught three sturgeon that were too small and had to be thrown back, but towards the end of the day, I finally caught a 43" keeper. Yay! We smoke most of the fish and then grill some at whoever's house the Fourth of July party is at. On the drive to Ilwaco, WA on Saturday I was able to finish the Rhombus hat I was working on even though I had to frog sections twice.


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