I bought lots of yarn yesterday at open knit for two new projects: a daisy mini tote and an embroidered fulled pillow. Both are patterns from Vogue Knitting on the Go books. The mini tote is on the cover of the Bags & Backpacks book. It's very cute. I am using Lite Lopi for that. The bag will be grey with red, yellow, teal, purple, and lime flowers showing through the eyelets. The pillow will be purple with green stripes. There are little flowers embroidered on the purple sections with some cross-hatched stitching on the green stripes. It has a button closure on the back. I'm excited about these projects because I will get to do some embroidery on both. I've been itching to try that. Needless to say, I never got around to adding embroidery to my white Claudia sweater.
I'm also keeping my eyes open for another good spring/summer clothing project. I'm leaning toward Rowan's Maggie or Breeze, or something with cables.
And just as i was getting ready to leave the yarn store, I snatched up a copy of Toy Knits by Debbie Bliss. Lots of really irresistable patterns. I couldn't help myself after seeing Becky's fantastic ostrich!
I only have 15 more granny squares to crochet and then I can sew the whole thing together.
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