general adventures in craftiness

Monday, December 24, 2001

Okay, so, Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 21, 2001

I can't believe the holidays are nearly upon us. I have been knitting at a crazy pace, working three to four projects at one time. Just finished a bag to be felted, a hat, working on a sweater, as well two pairs of mittens to be felted, and a skinny boa/scarf made from lime green TechnoFur. One pair of the mittens will also be in lime green to go with the boa. Some of the projects are gifts and some are just for fun, for myself. I feel like I am knitting so much because I want to have stock for my store that is not yet in existence. That's my dream.

Thursday, December 13, 2001

Nate Newton Found with 213 lbs. of Marijuana
Moss Fined $15,000 for Bus Incident
Okay, here's proof that guys in the NFL are just plain stupid...

Weight Epidemic I agree with this article when it says that obesity has become an epidemic, however, I don't know if it should become a community responsibility aside from the fact that schools should have regularly scheduled PE times.

Tuesday, December 11, 2001

Stitch and bitch [via MetaFilter] Knitting does seem to be making a big comeback. You can tell from some of the knitting magazines, which offer hip and sexy sweater patterns and other cute things to try. I recently got back into knitting myself about three years ago. Around the same time I got back into sewing too. I just love it. It seems to be an artistic and creative outlet for me. I would love to have a store where I sold all the things I could make.

Monday, December 10, 2001

Bart and I missed the big Doubletree party on Saturday night. That's okay. We had a nice dinner out and then just chilled at home. One of the things I love about Bart is that we can just be together at home and not have to be doing anything specific. One of my favorite things is to be together, but be doing things completely independent of one another, like read books at the same time.

Wednesday, December 05, 2001

I can't believe it's December! The last couple of weeks here in Portland have been very stormy and very chilly. If it's going to be that chilly, I would rather it snow than rain.