general adventures in craftiness

Tuesday, July 31, 2001

Forget about the green ketchup! You can have purple ketchup instead.

Thursday, July 26, 2001

Only two more hours and then I am on vacation. Yoo hoo! Let's hope that the weather stays gorgeous for the much anticipated pool party on Sunday up at Lewis and Clark College, which really has a beautiful campus.

Wednesday, July 25, 2001

Okay, so all the networks have gone a little crazy with all the reality TV shows. However, out of them all, and I've only seen about three, my favorite is Survivor. I would no doubt be glued to my screen for Celebrity Survivor.

Homework hours tripled since 1980 Unfortunately, I think standards and teaching to the test are a large part of the increase in homework. Three hours for a high school student seems a bit excessive to me, as does 45 minutes for a first grader.

Tuesday, July 24, 2001

Weblogging: Another Kind of Website This is a great article. [via Scripting News]

Tuesday, July 17, 2001

Do you think Lance Armstrong can win the Tour de France? He's made an impressive climb in the standings, from 23rd to 4th. His story is pretty amazing.

Better Than Sliced Bread? First square watermelons, now this. Anything for convenience, I guess!

"Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon."
Everything In Its Right Place
Kid A

Monday, July 16, 2001

Attack of the Masked Cyberdudes Another interesting article on teens who transform themselves via the Internet.

After a week of gorgeous sunny weather, yesterday was overcast and cloudy–perfect weather for a movie. Being a big Edward Norton fan, I saw The Score. It was slow in setting up the plot, but I felt engaged and was drawn in by the suspense of the last big score and whether or not it would be pulled off. I was also impressed with Marlon Brando's performance.

Thursday, July 12, 2001 interview with Chuck Palahniuk.

Wednesday, July 11, 2001

Tweaking the Eastbank Esplanade Here's recent news on the lovely Esplanade.

Don't Mess With the Do Brian Griese is the spokesperson for Dippity-do hair gel. How appropriate!

Tuesday, July 10, 2001

Officials determine suspicious device not in box Is profiling justified when the safety of thousands and thousands of people is involved?

Thursday, July 05, 2001

Hung out with my four-year-old cousin yesterday morning. She'll be five in a couple of weeks. My sister and I were making her a shell bra for her Ariel costume, which is her birthday present. For those of you who have no knowledge of Disney movies, Ariel is "The Little Mermaid." We still have to make her the tail/skirt part of the costume. Her birthday party this year will revolve around an Ariel theme. We were walking back to her house when she said the following:

"I bet when people see us, they think I'm your daughter."

I said, "Who thinks that?"

She said, "Whoever he or she is that sees us."

I sometimes think the exact same thing, but immediately think up ways I can refute that to whomever may ask.

I used to want to have children someday, but for some reason, not anymore. In no way, do I have any maternal yearnings. I am perfectly happy as a childless single person.

Monday, July 02, 2001

On Thursday evening after work, Bart and I packed up to head for Ilwaco, WA for the third annual sturgeon fishing trip that our friend Peter organizes. It was great fun and the weather was beautiful.

There were 14 of us this year and it looks like enough interest has been generated to fill two boats next year. It was like summer camp for a day. Everyone stayed at the same motel on Thursday night. We were right on the beach, though the only view I got was of Dave, Rocco, and Pat's room. Played a couple hands of euchre there.

We had to wake up at 4:15 a.m. to get to the dock by 4:45 a.m. Our captain and deckhand were very laidback, allowing us to cast our own lines, if you so desired. I caught the first sturgeon, but it was too small to keep. Dave Laken caught the largest, at 50". Luckily, I was able to nap on the boat before we docked, so I was refreshed for the drive home.

Unlike what you might think, we did not have sturgeon for dinner that night. We had fresh crab that we bought before heading home. We had the sturgeon the next evening at a premature Fourth of July party. Bart and Tyler are currently in the process of smoking the rest of all the sturgeon.

I took some decent photos with my crappy Intel digital camera. Choose View as a slideshow on the right hand side of the page.