general adventures in craftiness

Friday, September 14, 2001

For some reason, all of this tragedy has suddenly hit me with an overwhelming force. Yesterday evening, seeing all the stories of people searching for loved ones sent me reeling. I began crying, truly sobbing for the first time since this attack began on Tuesday. And this morning is no better. Every time I see a U.S. flag attached to a car or a stranger smiles and says hello I practically lose it. I told my dad I would buy him a flag at Elmer's, the flag store near where I live. I hope they aren't sold out.

Portland Citywide Remembrance today
Mayor Vera Katz and Portland-area religious leaders
Rose Quarter Commons, in front of Memorial Coliseum
Friday, 5 p.m. I can't think of a thing to do either, but all the things we always ought to do: be generous every day.

Ann Coulter sucks.

Steve Fox, editor in chief, Words fail us at times like this. They can mislead us as well. In the wake of Tuesday's tragedy, I received a few copies of a horrific piece of e-mail: a verse attributed to 16th century prophet Nostradamus. The eight lines seem to predict the World Trade Center attack and the subsequent start of World War III. If you've received this e-mail, please don't forward it: it's a malicious hoax. Some of the words do indeed come from Nostradamus (though they've been spliced, diced, and rearranged to form a coherent prediction). But the most worrisome specifics--lines such as "In the city of York there will be a great collapse, two twin brothers torn apart by chaos" and "The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"--are fabricated whole cloth. Shame on those who would spend their energies spreading fear while we're all so vulnerable.


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