general adventures in craftiness

Monday, June 04, 2001

I've just read entries from two separate blogs, both by males, that have to do with romance and marriage. Anil says that he wants "to not forget that I am at heart a romantic, that I aspire to be worthy of, and do justice to, a commitment to share my life with another person. That this most personal of relationships is important enough to require the most public of displays. That we are our best selves when we give our love to another." And then Jack says "when i'm eighty-five years old, or ninety-five years old, or one-hundred-and-five years old, i won't have lapsed into the expected stereotypes of the 'male.' i'll remember who i was when i was sixteen, twenty-one, twenty-four.. and i'll remember why i got married in the first place." It's interesting to me that men think these kinds of thoughts about marriage. I usually assume that men never think about marriage. I guess I never really think about marriage. But it's nice to think about in the way that Anil and Jack expressed.


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